Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Tips to Revive Your Old Blog

Tips to Revive Your Old Blog

Blogging is an essential way to effectively attract and engage your audiences. In fact, as a content writer – you must deliver captivating, compelling and fresh content to keep your brands active and current. When it comes to blog content writing, your articles and posts must be industry-specific and relevant. Similarly, they must address the concerns, questions and requests your new and existing readers have. However, if your blog has been lying dormant to busy work schedules or burnout – it may be time to revive and refresh its content. This way, you do not lose readership and continue to attract more followers. Whether using WordPress blogs or other portals, here are some essential tips on preventing blogger burnout and securing brand validity and awareness.

Brainstorming is a Must

One of the main reasons blogs go stale is lack of subject matter. In fact, you may have exhausted all topics and sub-topics within your specific niche or industry. However, there are ways to generate new ideas with old-fashioned brainstorming techniques. This includes hitting Google with keyword searches, along with reviewing existing articles, editorial and articles within your sector. This may give you some new, inspirational ideas to work on –along with new angles for existing topics in your blog directory. This is also the best way to take the weight off of your shoulders. This, of course, means you can take a break from generating ideas on your own. Another great way is to hire a ghost writer who can come up with some innovative ideas for your blogs as well.

Build a Topics Database

Ever thought about adding a topics database to your blogging platform? This is a great way to keep your blog directories streamlined – centralized – and easy to access. Remember, blogging platforms are essentially CMS portals – which allow you to search your blogs, articles and posts via keywords or titles. With this in mind, databases can index your blogs based on content, titles, themes, keywords, and other vital information. They can also do the following:
  • Store future topics that need to be written as entries for your blog – daily, weekly, or monthly.
  •  Keep a track of news sites, journals, and other user blogs you have –or are using for blogging inspiration and ideas.
  • Allow you to keep track of the latest industry trends, developments and buzz worthy – trendy news.
  •  Map out your topics with sufficient time to research them before publishing.

Diversification is the Key

It is also important to diversify mediums for optimal blog revitalization and rejuvenation. In fact, the current trend is to revisit former popular topics – and enhance them a bit. This can be done with how you present them (new links, new graphics, etc.), or adding current content to reflect the current times. How about a follow-up blog posts to some of your top blogs in the past? Another option is to create new blogs based on older ideas – but with a modern and contemporary touch. For example: if you had a blog about old wooden rocking chairs – how about a similar blog post with the latest in rocking chairs and accessories? This is a great way to keep your blog active, current and reflective of the newest industry trends and developments.

Final Touches

After reviving and refreshing your content, you should also check all your social media and internal – external links. Make sure they are not broken – or update them to reflect any new site link changes or modifications. It’s also a good idea to update your images, videos, and even your policy pages and RSS feed subscriptions. This will breathe new life into your blogging platforms and posts for months to come.

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