Friday, May 20, 2016

How Silver is Used in Different Cultures

How Silver is Used in Different Cultures

Sterling silver is a precious metal that is synonymous with true poise and elegance. From lavish bracelets to fashionable and trendy earrings, sterling silver jewelry sets continue to soar in global popularity. While mainly for fashion and design purposes, silver has many uses across a myriad of cultures. In fact, it was a common staple in Transylvania thousands of years ago – to fend off vampires and clans of werewolves. While many still believe in these myths today, the fact is that silver plated jewelry pieces are widely utilized for their spiritual and mystical powers. From tackling certain medical ailments to warding off the evil eye, silver has many meanings in countless cultures and traditions across the world.

The Impact of Silver on Camelot

While silver serves a symbol of status and power, countless individuals over the ages have used this metal to define themselves and their places in society. No truer is this then when it comes to the Knights of the Round Table. While under the tutelage of King Arthur in Camelot, the Knights draped themselves in silver, gold, and even platinum. This was said to bring unforeseen power and strength, while helping them capture the true allure and essence of royal servitude. As subjects of the King, Sir Lancelot and his fellow knights also wore silver on the battlefields – to foster greater inner strength and divinity against the evil forces that surrounded them.

Silver and the Philistines

As an ancient culture, the Philistines relied on silver for trade and village growth. While they too believed in the mystical and healing powers of silver stones, their use of the metal was primarily for commercial purposes. It was silver that helped the Philistines foster greater communications and commerce with local tribes and village trading posts. Like gold dust, some were said to even consume silver as a way for purifying the body, mind, and soul. While this practice is long gone, the cultural significance of silver is still felt in many parts of the world today. Like the ancient Mayans, Incas, and Aztecs, Indonesian tribes use silver as a way to celebrate the bonds of holy matrimony. From Java to Sumatra, silver is also offered a gift to families celebrating the birth of a child.

Silver and the Mystics

While gold is considered the metal of the sun, silver has long been seen as the metal of the moon. In fact, many cultures believe that silver has a profound effect over the mind and emotions. Similarly, silver has mystical healing powers, and is designed to protect the wearer from evil eyes and malicious thoughts. By reflecting and illuminating light from the moon and sun, silver is said to have natural energies that can ward off evil and shield from negativity. For thousands of years, cultures have taken to silver for promoting love, mental clarity, and inner happiness. This is no different today; however, most consumers prefer sterling silver jewelry stores for dazzling ornaments and sets that will be cherished for years to come.

Thursday, May 12, 2016

How VoIP Can Streamline and Centralize Business Communications

In this digital age, unified communications are vital for any business. Unified communications solutions include voice over Internet protocol (VoIP), instant messaging (IM), file data sharing and transfers, and Web and multimedia video conferencing. Unified communications platforms help establish uniformity and consistency in communications — the cornerstones of any fast-paced, modern business. No matter the niche, sector or industry your business serves, the days of traditional phone communications are over. In order for your business to remain competitive, you must tap into the new communications trends and reap their benefits.

Cloud-Based VoIP Connects People

For your business to thrive, you must remove any communication obstacles that are hindering optimal performance. For example, voice mail is considered obsolete, since most people prefer sending messages over IM or email. This expedites the communications process without the need for face-to-face interactions.

This is also true for cloud-based VoIP, which is designed to connect people across vast digital networks. From screen and file sharing to uploading presentations, VoIP applications enable you to conduct business from remote locations. The use of wireless and digital devices also accentuates the unified environment, while building a strong platform of communications for employees and managers. With unified VoIP communications, your business is assured:
  • Real-time interaction with clients and employees
  • Centralized and streamlined communications with clear audio and crisp visuals
  • Integrated features that allow file and screen sharing, document transfers and presentations
  • Correlation with existing communication protocols within an integrated environment
The Benefits of VoIP Video Conferencing

Video conferencing, a feature of VoIP, allows you to see the body language of your clients. This is far more productive than instant messages, since these are basically text. You can also ascertain whether your clients are upset, bored or unsatisfied with a particular product or service, and solve any issue in real time.

In addition, VoIP helps you build confidence and morale. This is especially true when it comes to client presentations and interactions, which is an integral part of conducting good business, since it eliminates the need for texting. The latter does not put a face on your brand, and is simply like conversing with a robot. By engaging clients through video, you reassure them that someone is physically there handling their requests and meeting their needs.

VoIP Training for Employees

To reap all the benefits of VoIP communications, employees require training to ensure they know how to use all the latest interactive tools. No truer is this than when it comes to integrating video conferencing as a timely communications solution. With video conferencing, the need for traditional voice mail and even time-consuming IM disappears. With streamlined and centralized communications, your employees can effectively engage clients in all aspects of the business.

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Investing in VoIP Business Phone Systems

Businesses continue to realize the importance of VoIP systems across several industries. In fact, cloud-based systems can truly enhance productivity and performance. VoIP is also designed to ensure optimal customer services – from small commercial startups to Fortune 500 companies.
For companies still debating about switching over to VoIP, the following information will highlight all the benefits of this burgeoning trend. From centralizing client communications to driving daily business, there are so many reasons to adopt VoIP communications for brands.

Cost Effectiveness

VoIP is a cost-effective alternative to conventional business phone systems. When considering switching over from traditional systems, keep the following in mind:

  • These cloud-based systems are featured by multiple providers with different pricing plans.
  • Customers are only responsible for monthly costs per user – and for the calling minutes they use.
  • VoIP business phone systems are hosted in the cloud – there is no need to purchase expensive on-site equipment.
  • There are never any additional costs for maintenance and upkeep.

VoIP Maintenance

VoIP maintenance and upkeep is managed by providers. This means customers are never assessed any additional fees for updates and services. This saves businesses a lot of time and money, while ensuring systems run at peak performance levels. Providers are also responsible for system upgrades, which guarantees clients have the most up-to-date technologies available.

Business Scaling

Business scaling is one of the biggest benefits of VoIP business phone systems. Clients are able to:
  • Easily scale up and down their services for increased or decreased work-forces.
  • Hire employees during busy and peak work seasons.
  • Manage their systems more efficiently during downtime and slow periods.
  • Add or remove applications and services based on workforce size.

VoIP Features

VoIP systems are equipped with a myriad of built-in features that can help any business run more efficiently. This includes call recording and time of day routing, which is essential in managing employee-customer relations. Live call monitoring also enables owners to listen in on any incoming out outgoing calls. This is crucial in ensuring optimal customer services for new and existing clients.

Access Options

Flexibility is the key to success for any customer service platform. With VoIP business systems, companies can:
  • Easily access their systems over the Internet.
  • Correlate their systems with existing broadband Internet connections.
  • Place or receive calls in real-time over dependable connections.
  • Keep any eye on remote employees and staff – conduct business on the road.

Better Security

As a business, security is always a high priority across multiple levels. Internet-based phone systems are designed to ensure discreet and secure communications. In fact, VoIP systems are consistently monitored and upgraded by security teams – ensuring the highest level of protection across the board. This includes firewalls and other security components that ensure maximum privacy for business communications.

Customization Options

VoIP offers better customization options for businesses. Unlike on-site phone systems, VoIP maintenance is done on the Internet. This helps companies expand their systems and increase maximum functionality. Clients are also able to easily integrate any new or existing features as they see fit.

In this day and age, client communications can literally make or break any business. Companies need reliable, affordable and dependable phone systems that will catapult their business to unprecedented heights. VoIP is simply the best alternative that will continue to increase customer and employee satisfaction levels.

Monday, May 2, 2016

That Time Prince Secretly Saved a Louisville Library from Closing

The pop music world is still in sadness over the recent passing of Prince. From “Purple Rain” to “When Doves Cry” – Prince was a true musical icon and genius with legions of global fans. He also touched countless hears with his soothing yet highly-energetic ballads and numbers. While the world continues to mourn the loss of Prince, many fans were not aware of his involvement in charities and philanthropic causes.

In fact, Prince saved the Western Branch Library in Louisville from permanent closure. This was back in 2001, and the library was in desperate need of monetary assistance to keep it open. Prince was on the forefront of several causes; however, he especially felt the importance of salvaging literary venues for the public.

While Prince died at the young age of 57, his legacy will continue to live on at the library too. As an amazing activist and true inspiration to people everywhere, Prince knew how important this library was to the community. In fact, the Western Branch Library dates back to 1905, and was the first full-service library in the country to exclusively serve African-Americas. It also had an all-black staff and featured books from legendary authors like Alex Hale and Harriet Tubbman.

Sadly, the library was hanging on by a shoestring budget – and it appeared the Louisville Free Public Library System could no longer afford to keep it afloat. When Prince heard about this, he immediately made a donation of $12,000, which he requested to be kept secret. However, the library system felt it was only justified to announce Prince’s generous contribution – especially after he left us all way too soon. Today, the library remains open and continues to thrive and grow – thanks to the man in purple paisley.

New App Plays Audiobooks Up to 10 Times as Fast

Audio books continue to soar in global popularity. In fact, they are one of the main reasons why traditional book reading is rapidly becoming obsolete. With that in mind, the new Rightspeed app is designed to play audio books at 10x the speed of other programs. This allows readers to speed through their TBR lists, while eliminating the need of storing books to be read at the bedtime table. According to industry monitors, the new app enables readers to access entire listings within just a few hours!

The best part is that users can modify the speed settings at anytime. This allows them to read at their own pace with any option to speed or slow down the material as desired. Righspeed is the brainchild of Max Deutsch, who prefers to read books at 5.3 xs – the usual industry speed. Even with speed, however, you can literally get through a long Harry Potter series in less than a day – pretty impressive eh wizard?

The new app has helped countless readers retain information for tests as well. In fact, you are able to read Moby Dick in one day, which will effectively prepare you for any written or oral exams. The best part of the app is that it teaches you how to get through books faster. While this may seem difficult at first, the app is based on highlighting important points within publications and helping readers with memory retention.