Thursday, March 28, 2019

The Benefits of Using the Cloud

The Benefits of Using the Cloud

There are several benefits associated with cloud computing for a myriad of industries. For one there is more flexibility with cloud solutions as opposed to in-house servers.  In fact, users are able to scale their services to meet their immediate and long-term needs. Similarly, they have the freedom to customize applications, as well as access and restrictions from any device with an internet connection. Here are some more ways the cloud can enhance your business productivity and performance:

•    Scalability – cloud infrastructure offers on-demand and real-time access to support workloads. You can easily scale your services to suit employee, client and customer needs.
•    Storage – cloud storage is perfect for digitally housing client communications, projects, files and documents within a safe and secure environment. These services correlate with all existing or new security systems to protect your most discreet business content and contacts. You can also choose from public, private or hybrid storage for your needs.
•    Control options – you can easily control your access and services with as-a-service options. This includes mandating who has control to certain files, documents, and everyday business apps, directives, and protocols. Software as a service (SaaS), platform as a service (PaaS), and infrastructure as a service (IaaS) platforms are available.
•    Tool choices – the cloud lets you and designated users select from a myriad of pre-built features and tools. These can be modified to meet your specific needs across the board.
•    Security tools – virtual private cloud encryption and API helps keep your most crucial data secure at all times.

Cloud computing also ensures you stay online and connected at all times. This includes downtime and maintenance, as well as inclement weather conditions. In the world of business, even the slightest delay or client miscommunication can have drastic effects on business. Therefore, you need cloud solutions that keep you in contact with in-house teams, remote employees, and especially clients and customers at all times.


Enterprise or organizational users have assured efficiency across the cloud. In fact, they can get applications to market faster, while avoiding underlying infrastructure costs or maintenance. Cloud computing is also a cost-efficient solution since it seamlessly integrates with all existing apps, systems, hardware, and software. Similarly, it delivers faster access to apps, documents, and files from virtually any internet-connected device. Here are some more advantages of adopting the cloud:

•    Quick access – access cloud-based apps and data from any internet-connected device. This includes smartphones, tablets, laptops, desktops, IPods, IPads and more.
•    Speed to market – cloud development or modification enables users to get their apps to market faster. This prevents infrastructure costs and maintenance issues across the board.
•    Security – efficient cloud servers offer ample storage space for safe and secured documents. Similarly, they protect your data in cases of hardware failures with regular maintenance and periodic network backups.
•    Equipment savings – Cloud computing utilizes remote resources across the board. This saves companies time and money on servers and equipment.
•    Pay as you use – you can save money by only paying for the resources you use.

These are some of the benefits of switching over to cloud servers for personal or commercial commuting. In fact, you can streamline and centralize all work-related communications, as well as collaborate with remote teams to give you a stronger edge in your respective field or industry.

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