Search Engine Optimization, or SEO, continues to be a
critical tool in Internet marketing. From content creation to strategic keyword
placement, SEO is utilized to help companies secure higher visibility across
vast networks. While SEO helps to increase website rankings on search engines,
it can also be used within social media platforms as well. Over the years,
however, a number of SEO myths have circulated throughout the market.
While Internet advertising is still a great way to generate leads and revenue,
there are certain areas where SEO may not be as effective as previously
No. You Don’t Need a Facebook Page for Your Web Site to Rank Well
In recent years, the SEO spectrum has been dominated by
social media integration. From Facebook to Twitter, a number of companies and
individuals have launched social media pages to help enhance and increase web
site rankings. According to industry experts, however, this is one of the most
popular seo myths in the industry today. While social media networks may
offer a slight boost to site rankings, they simply cannot ensure long-term
marketability and sustainable rankings.
This is partly due to market saturation, which no longer
holds social media platforms on a mantle. Secondly, social media cannot ensure
a steady steam of sales for your website. Even with increased hits and
back-links to your site, countless companies are continuing to struggle with
effective social media strategies. Lastly, the social media networks are always
susceptible to hacking and foreign intrusions. In fact, quite a few company
pages were hacked last year, which makes it next to impossible to target
selected audiences and showcase true professionalism.
Ad-words Makes You Rank Higher…It Doesn’t
Google Ad-words is also known as one of the top SEO myths
on the market as well. This marketing component allows companies to create,
modify, and post business ads to increase web site rankings. As a form of
pay-per-click advertising, the ads entail a number of keywords and links, which
are designed to connect users to your site, blog, or online store. The issue,
however, depends on the number of clicks assessed. If the volume is low,
chances are your site will remain at is current ranking, or even drop a few
notches. While most companies long to secure greater visibility for their ads,
they also have to bid on certain keywords as well. This can be a time-consuming
and costly venture, which may or may not produce desired results.
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